Don’t donate to UMD until students are granted more power UMD shouldn't get alumni donations unless it reforms its governance. Olivia Delaplaine May 9, 2019
UMD RHA wants a competition to reduce water consumption in dorms The competition would reward dorms that lower their water consumption below last year's average. Maria Trovato May 8, 2019
UMD RHA votes to adapt diversity and inclusion action committee to improve efficiency The measure passed 32-4 with no abstentions. Maria Trovato April 25, 2019
UMD delays dorm demolitions due to housing shortages Resident Life's updated housing plan also outlines future dorm updates and renovations. Maria Trovato April 19, 2019
Vaping could soon be banned in UMD dorms The measure has to be approved by the Department of Resident Life. Maria Trovato April 12, 2019
In atypical contested race, UMD RHA elects its new leadership Both the president and vice president positions were uncontested in the last three elections. Maria Trovato April 10, 2019
UMD’s Washington Quad will get a water bottle filling station this fall Many South Hill dorms don’t have filtered water bottle-filling stations. Maria Trovato April 5, 2019