Stuart Adams beats 10-year incumbent Robert Day in College Park City Council election All other incumbents kept their seats on the council. Diamondback Staff November 10, 2021
College Park Council to send letter opposing Prince George’s County redistricting plans The city’s drafted letter alleges that current county redistricting plans attempt to gerrymander the districts. Grace Yarrow November 10, 2021
College Park candidates raised about $20,000 ahead of Election Day In total, candidates raised about $5,000 less than in 2019. Shreya Vuttaluru November 6, 2021
Before elections, College Park Ethics Commission investigates alleged campaign violation The investigation comes after District 3 incumbents sent campaign postcards that included the city seal, which could violate city code. Anaya Truss-Williams November 6, 2021
The Diamondback’s 2021 College Park election guide Your guide to the candidates in College Park’s 2021 election. Diamondback Staff November 3, 2021
Restorative Justice Steering Committee presents plan to College Park City Council Among other goals, the plan seeks to educate College Park residents on the history of Lakeland, a historically Black neighborhood in the city. Grace Yarrow November 3, 2021
College Park Council raises concern about proposed traffic measures on Cherry Hill Road The changes would include adding a median and another lane to the shopping center's easternmost entrance by the Starbucks and near Route 1. Grace Yarrow October 27, 2021
Prince George’s council moves forward with new redistricting map, but backlash persists “I don't think it could be any more obvious at all that they're rigging this election,” said College Park City Council member Kate Kennedy. Emily Williams October 20, 2021
College Park could use pandemic relief funds for affordable housing, broadband The city received $22 million in pandemic relief funds. Grace Yarrow October 20, 2021
North College Park council candidates field questions on affordable housing, pit bulls Candidates discussed retaining non-student residents in the city, the American Rescue Plan and regulations of local dog parks. Victoria Stavish October 15, 2021