The way the old guard speaks gate-keeps their companies from understanding, let alone trying to understand, newer ideas. Normalizing slang can change this.
Implementing an Asian American studies major at this university has the potential to broaden students’ mindsets about a new facet of history, connect Asian Americans to their culture and simply make this university a better place to learn.
People with Russian heritage have nothing to do with the Russian government declaring war on Ukraine. It’s easy to select a population to scapegoat, but that would make us hardly any different from the real oppressors.
Let’s just call this bill what it really is — an easy way for Democrats to come off on the right side of history while passing incredibly mid policy. Sounds like business as usual.
The student raise is not a ‘slap in the face’; it’s a wake-up call to the fact that student and full-time workers at the University of Maryland are not fairly compensated for their efforts.