An ode to the Cock Destroyers The iconic internet duo has split after collaborating for three years. Evan Hecht May 11, 2021
Social media is students’ free speech platform. The Supreme Court must recognize that. Here’s why the newest free speech Supreme Court case matters. Courtney Cohn May 4, 2021
The Josh Fight is the latest example of meme turned reality A crowd of Joshes flocked to Nebraska to battle over the right to the title ‘The Josh.’ Dylan Shulman April 28, 2021
UMD SGA social media campaign raises awareness of racial injustice in the workforce The campaign runs from March 15 through April 26. Sofia Garay March 22, 2021
Clubhouse isn’t user-friendly, but that may not be a bad thing The pseudo-networking app isn't the easiest for everyone Evan Hecht March 12, 2021
Offbeat Episode 9 goes behind the scenes of LGBTQ TikTok Among the dances and viral challenges on TikTok, there’s a thriving queer community. Offbeat Staff February 26, 2021
Social media can be a tool for political education, but only if politicians use it correctly Politicians should learn from activists and the masses when considering their use of Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Adam Cullen February 11, 2021
Schools and colleges should teach digital etiquette We can avoid messy Zoom chatboxes and unhelpfully unmuted questions. Jessica Ye February 7, 2021
UMD students profit off of GameStop gains during Wall Street frenzy The frenzy hurt billionaires and hedge funds, while the students took pride in their successes. Diamondback Staff February 1, 2021
Trump wants to eliminate Section 230. Here’s why that’s a bad idea. Social media companies should be able to regulate content without worrying about liabilities. Evan Crum November 29, 2020