UMD SGA presidential candidate Taylor Green wants to focus on marginalized students She's running on the Unite UMD ticket. Anastasia Marks April 15, 2019
UMD SGA presidential hopeful Ireland Lesley aims to boost transparency, student involvement She's running on the Empower Maryland ticket. Morgan Politzer April 15, 2019
The Diamondback’s coverage of 2019 UMD SGA elections Voting is set to begin Monday. Diamondback Staff April 15, 2019
UMD alum Eric Swalwell will run for the 2020 Democratic nomination Swalwell was the first student liaison to the College Park City Council. Jeff Barnes April 15, 2019
8th annual Good Neighbor Day draws 900 volunteers to College Park Workers helped in more than 20 projects around the city. Freelance Reporter April 15, 2019
“Very hype”: Maryland Hillel hosts annual Jewish basketball tournament The tournament is more than just about basketball. It's a “cultural event,” an organizer said. Freelance Reporter April 15, 2019
Here’s what it’s like to be a UMD Police officer on a Friday night University of Maryland Police Department Cpl. Vincent Deere went “DUI hunting” in College Park. Jeff Barnes April 14, 2019
YOU Ticket allowed to remain in UMD SGA elections despite rules violations The party was initially disqualified, but the the SGA’s governance board deemed this “overly harsh.” Leah Brennan April 14, 2019
UMD Police credit technological advances for “record low” reported crimes in 2018 Crimes like rape, robbery, burglary, larceny-theft and arson have decreased in the last decade. Freelance Reporter April 13, 2019
Presidential candidate Taylor Green accuses UMD SGA of racism Green wrote that she’d witnessed “patterns of racist, sexist, ableist, and transphobic behaviors.” Diamondback Staff April 12, 2019