March Madness’ gender disparities have no place in college sports. Neither does the NCAA. Stop defending the NCAA's misogyny. Malcolm Ferguson March 23, 2021
Does ‘The Bachelor’ pass the Bechdel test? The reality show fails to represent women’s full range. Why do we keep watching? Elana Morris January 31, 2021
3 fun things to do instead of commenting on women’s bodies There is no such thing as “discourse” when it comes to areolas! Manuela López Restrepo October 15, 2020
Review: ‘Knock Down The House’ isn’t the typical political documentary — and that’s good Viewers follow the female politicians as they blaze trails for ordinary people in Congress. Morgan Pravato May 8, 2019
Despite some reforms, Greek life remains deeply bigoted Recent incidents demonstrate that too little has changed for Greek life. Liyanga de Silva May 6, 2019