Here are the incidents police responded to in College Park this summer Police responded to cases of theft, fraud and more this summer. Madison Peek September 14, 2020
UMD journalism students contribute to story about evictions amid COVID-19 Journalism students helped investigate and report on evictions occurring over the summer despite the Federal CARES Act. Freelance Reporter September 14, 2020
As water pooled into UMD’s Hillel Center, students braved last week’s storm to come help The center estimates the storm caused about $100,000 worth of damages. Rina Torchinsky September 14, 2020
With most UMD classes online, some students are struggling with internet access UMD's pool of available hotspots has expanded to 145 this semester. Amanda Hernández September 14, 2020
“I think it’ll be good for me”: Some UMD professors look forward to in-person classes Some professors are gearing up to go back into the classroom after holding online-only classes for the first two weeks of the semester. Freelance Reporter September 14, 2020
UMD opted out of location-tracking technology for contact tracing, citing privacy concerns The university's current COVID-19 response includes other virtual initiatives. Brent Abel September 14, 2020
UMD survey finds gap between parents’ child care needs and university-provided services Flexible meeting and work times were the most common type of support received. Clara Longo de Freitas September 14, 2020
A UMD student took to Reddit after UMPD searched him on Terrapin Trail Police say they stopped the group because going into the woods at night constituted suspicious behavior. Madison Peek September 11, 2020
UMD to face $292 million budget cut this fiscal year Employees making more than $150,000 will see their salaries reduced. Chloe Goldberg September 11, 2020
Some Black UMD students appreciate Pines’ actions, but others say he lacks urgency Some students want administration to be more proactive in preventing racism on campus. Emily Williams September 11, 2020