More nukes won’t make America safer Trump’s plan to grow America’s nuclear arsenal puts the nation at risk. Moshe Klein February 6, 2018
Without female cinematographers, Hollywood will continue to be sexist Ignoring cinematography has allowed sexist conventions to remain unchallenged in American cinema for far too long. Jack Lewis February 6, 2018
Larry Hogan’s tough-on-crime rhetoric is dangerous Don’t further the war on drugs. Sarah Riback February 6, 2018
Public school is not the place for prayer A Louisiana school shows there’s no such thing as voluntary religious indoctrination. Asha Kodan February 5, 2018
D.C.’s roads have way too much salt. That explains a lot about America. This country needs to relax. Max Foley-Keene February 5, 2018
Maryland’s student Dreamers deserve financial aid Don’t wait for Congress to act on immigration. Guest Opinion February 4, 2018
Trump’s planned Metro cuts are an attack on low-income students Reductions to transportation funding are an obstacle to economic mobility. Liyanga de Silva February 4, 2018
UMD administration must stop waving aside its diversity failures OUR VIEW: Wallace Loh is minimizing a widespread educational injustice. Diamondback Editorial Board February 4, 2018
Maryland is right to let rape survivors deny their rapists parental rights After failing nine times before, this important measure will finally become law. Michela Dwyer February 2, 2018