Grunig Gala teaches UMD communications students the value of relationships The keynote speaker, social media expert Katie Paine, spoke to about 200 people gathered at the Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center Tuesday night. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
After its director’s resignation, UMD’s Title IX Office is losing three more staffers The deputy director is among those headed out the door. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
Lawyer for football players accused of sexual misconduct says DJ Durkin hired him Don Jackson, the attorney, said he was the second lawyer to work on the case. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
A storm tore up trees and made two College Park houses uninhabitable No injuries have been reported. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
A local bar handed over 43 fake IDs to UMD Police. Now, 24 students may face consequences. First-time offenders who take responsibility will receive a written warning and write a reflection paper. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
“People are not okay with this”: students protest Terps for Trump’s Milo Yiannopoulos talk More than 200 students to date have signed a petition to prevent him from speaking. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
Bill Cosby’s honorary UMD degree has officially been rescinded More than 50 women have accused Cosby of sexual assault. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
For beer and burgers before the UMD Homecoming game, head to the tennis courts The beer garden is typically open for two hours prior to kickoff. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
The University of Maryland had two composting dorms last year. Now it has 11. Resident Life hopes to tackle South Hill community next. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
A new UMD graduate program answers humanities questions using technology The introductory course will be offered for the first time next spring. DBK Admin December 31, 0999