After six months without a permanent Title IX director, UMD announces office’s new leader Grace Karmiol, the former Title IX director at Widener University, will take the same position at UMD. Leah Brennan February 27, 2019
This Maryland bill would budget for the state to pay students’ Title IX legal fees The legislation would mandate adding $500,000 to the budget to cover costs. Brad Dress February 27, 2019
UMD tech lecture highlights use of VR in medicine and e-commerce “Being able to unlock the tech can provide exponential growth in so many areas." Freelance Reporter February 27, 2019
After student outcry, SPH moved its commencement to Xfinity Center A student-created petition gained over 1,000 signatures in 3 days. Samantha Subin February 26, 2019
UMD GSG calls on DOTS to study campus bus ridership They want to know what percentage of riders is made up of students. Angela Roberts February 26, 2019
UMD to hold open forums for diversity and inclusion VP finalists There are four finalists for the position. Jillian Atelsek February 25, 2019
UMD highlights diversity of the African diaspora at Black Culture Expo “I thought I’d come out and support my fellow African brothers and sisters and just learn a little bit more about where I come from." Freelance Reporter February 25, 2019
UMD is creating another panel to monitor implementation of football report recommendations One of the people Loh said would be on it, David Williams II, died Feb. 8. Jeff Barnes February 25, 2019
The name of UMD’s Iribe Center is changing — slightly The building's grand opening is scheduled for April. Jeff Barnes February 25, 2019
UMD Police respond to reports of trespassing, theft This week in crime. Leah Brennan February 24, 2019