New UMD club aims to promote LGBT inclusivity, offer safe space to queer students The Queer Agenda will help students promote LGBT inclusivity within existing clubs and create new ones. Victoria Ebner March 12, 2019
UMD SGA voted to create black and women’s caucuses — but they haven’t given any input yet Recent bills, such as reinstating the WTFUMD program, haven't required it. Morgan Politzer March 12, 2019
Police investigate report of attempted sexual assault near UMD’s campus The suspect was last seen near the Discovery District. Leah Brennan March 11, 2019
UMD Police responded to reports of burglary, stolen motor vehicle This week in crime. Leah Brennan March 11, 2019
Stamp is putting together a list of potential restaurants to replace Adele’s They've sent out interest forms to about 50 potential businesses. Sarah D'Souza March 11, 2019
UMD’s interim diversity officer makes her case for VPDI position Cynthia Edmunds took over the position from Roger Worthington last year. Sarah D'Souza March 8, 2019
UMD grad students continue collective bargaining fight at Senate hearing One lawmaker threw her support behind the students' cause. Angela Roberts March 8, 2019
“Body-positive” activewear start-up wins $15,000 at annual UMD business competition Aurora Tights offers tights for skaters and dancers of all skin tones. Freelance Reporter March 8, 2019
‘It is not hopeless’: UMD panel tackles global refugee crisis “The issue here is nothing less than the heart and soul of our democracy, of the values that we stand for.” Freelance Reporter March 8, 2019
UMD SGA supports making undocumented student coordinator a permanent position The current coordinator’s contract is set to expire at the end of the semester. Morgan Politzer March 7, 2019