Children consume too much sugar. Policy is a great way to fight back. Sugar Free Kids executive director: Banning sugary drinks on Baltimore kids menus is progress for public health. Guest Opinion February 18, 2018
Xenophobia shouldn’t stop UMD from helping refugees Refugees need UMD’s resources. We shouldn’t be afraid to help them. Asha Kodan February 18, 2018
UMD alerts should be sent in Spanish It’s a matter of public safety. Liyanga de Silva February 18, 2018
Gun control legislation must progress beyond blaming mental illness The root of America’s gun problem isn’t just mental illness. Caitlin McCann February 15, 2018
Trump’s immigration policy seeks to take rights from American citizens Trump’s attacking the rights of legal immigrants, and it’s our post-election nightmare realized. Nate Rogers February 15, 2018
Banning sugary drinks on kids menus won’t teach them to make healthy choices To reduce sugar intake, we need education — not prohibition. Hadron Chaudhary February 14, 2018
Putting napping pods in McKeldin is a dumb idea Why napping pods aren’t the solution for UMD students’ sleeping woes. Mitchell Rock February 14, 2018
Chicken farming might be making people sick. Maryland should investigate. The state should work with farmers to determine chicken farming’s health impact. Michela Dwyer February 14, 2018
PARCC is wrong for Maryland’s students The testing regime is a giveaway to corporate interests. Sarah Riback February 13, 2018