Puerto Rico needs more federal government support The territory still hasn’t fully recovered from Hurricanes Maria and Irma. Liyanga de Silva March 5, 2019
Smartphone addiction disproportionately harms poor families Smartphone addiction is a public health problem. Emily Maurer March 4, 2019
Let’s treat Jussie Smollett as an individual Why do his actions carry such broad implications? Manuela López Restrepo March 4, 2019
A backlash against the status quo in academia is already underway Young leftists are pushing back against the norms of universities. Max Foley-Keene March 3, 2019
We shouldn’t respond to racism with calls for unity Politicians don't need to "bring people together" after the use of a racial slur. Jasmine Baten March 3, 2019
Michael Bloomberg couldn’t be a more fitting commencement speaker for UMD OUR VIEW: Bloomberg doesn't “do good” — but neither does UMD. Diamondback Editorial Board March 3, 2019
UMD SJP: Birthright trips are nothing more than propaganda J Street shouldn’t promote a program that fails to represent Palestinian voices. Guest Opinion March 1, 2019
Recent scandals are just the beginning of the end We live in a society (that’s bottoming out) J-P Teti February 28, 2019
Humans do not have free will Poverty and criminality are not a choice. Joey Marcellino February 27, 2019
Pharmaceutical companies need high drug prices to fund future research The pharmaceutical industry isn’t as profitable as it looks. Kevin Hu February 27, 2019