UMD shouldn’t have closed its Confucius Institute Xenophobia shouldn't make us reject all the good that Confucius Institutes do. Kevin Hu February 4, 2020
Medicare for All is bad politics and even worse policy If they want to win, Democrats should avoid a Medicare for All candidate. David Gordon February 3, 2020
A new ASL major at UMD would enrich the student body UMD has struggled with accessibility in the past. Adding an ASL major would help. Caterina Ieronimo February 3, 2020
UMD needs a disability studies department Disability studies will shape the future, and we should get on board. Liyanga de Silva February 2, 2020
College Park is approaching affordable housing the wrong way Rents in College Park are rising, and neoliberalism isn't the solution. Max Foley-Keene January 30, 2020
Media coverage of migrants ignores the most critical stories Migrant struggles aren't entertainment. Caterina Ieronimo January 30, 2020
MilkBoy was a unique arts venue in College Park. It deserves a successor. College Park needs more professional and accessible arts venues. Lexie Werner January 30, 2020
Ghent’s restored Lamb of God shows authenticity doesn’t equal good art Authentic art isn't always high art. Hadron Chaudhary January 27, 2020
College Park needs more affordable housing. The city council can help. The College Park City Council needs to address the dearth of affordable housing Maya Rosenberg January 27, 2020
China needs to prioritize transparency during the coronavirus epidemic Containing the coronavirus outbreak is more important than preserving China's image. Kevin Hu January 27, 2020