There’s a difference between appreciation and exploitation Appropriation lies on a spectrum, but it can often be exploitive. Erin Hill February 20, 2017
Saturday Night Live must find a way to satirize Trump without legitimizing him Donald Trump is already a comedic character. SNL must be careful not to normalize him as a public figure. Jack Lewis February 20, 2017
Maryland’s outdated pension system is keeping valuable talent away Maryland needs to modernize its pension offerings to attract top talent to the state government’s workforce. Sam Wallace February 19, 2017
Money alone will not bring about academic excellence Passionate educators and engaged students are motivated intrinsically, not by monetary benefits. Max Foley-Keene February 16, 2017
Birthright Israel is inherently political From the name to the trip’s highlights, Birthright Israel has many political components. Aiyah Sibay February 16, 2017
Michael Flynn’s Resignation is a Victory for Reporting Flynn’s resignation is a tangible manifestation of what happens when all the spin and bluster of politics falls away. Jack Siglin February 15, 2017
The customer isn’t always right Blindly appeasing customers degrades workers and eats away at resources. Maris Medina February 15, 2017
The perils of a university-driven society Each individual should exploit this life to the fullest and decide where their correct path lies, whether in a library, classroom or cockpit. Joseph Kuttler February 15, 2017
How memes saved music (and killed rockism) From Drake’s dance moves to Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl halftime show, meme culture has thrown dirt on rockism’s grave. Erin Hill February 14, 2017
“My arrow moved on her like a b—-!” Zeus fires Cupid over leaked Valentine’s Day audio. “When you’re the god of love, they let you do anything.” Reuven Bank February 14, 2017