General H.R. McMaster is Trump’s best pick so far McMaster will provide the dose of remedial action the Trump administration needs. Kyle Rempfer February 27, 2017
An open letter to Melania Trump Speak your mind, Melania. I want to hear your opinions. Erin Hill February 27, 2017
We don’t need Facebook to lead a global community The idea of a singular, Facebook-led global community can be a nightmare. Max Foley-Keene February 26, 2017
Jeff Sessions’ decision to keep for-profit prisons is unethical By keeping for-profit prisons, the attorney general is serving corporate interests. Jack Lewis February 26, 2017
Basketball is business, and loyalty is overrated In the NBA, profits outweigh the human narratives. Jack Siglin February 23, 2017
Who’s afraid of Virginia’s coywolf? The debate over the eastern coyote demonstrates how the notion of species remains a social construct. Reuven Bank February 23, 2017
Tokenism can be a recipe for isolation and casual racism There is a fine line between being treated as “other” and being treated as an equal. Maris Medina February 22, 2017
A Maryland auction house did not sell Hitler’s artifacts responsibly The auction house should not have sold Hitler’s phone to an anonymous bidder. Asha Kodan February 22, 2017
Face off: Mandatory service enhances both individuals and communities at large Instituting mandatory community service will teach the importance of empathy, hard work and sacrifice. Joseph Kuttler February 21, 2017
Face off: Mandatory service can promote selfishness and harm impoverished communities Those who mandate service work must understand that it is not about performing a number of hours in a specific community, but about the quality of the hours spent there. Aiyah Sibay February 21, 2017