RHA discusses updates on new dorm construction, dining hall hours The directors of Residential Facilities, Resident Life and Dining Services provided updates to the RHA. Christine Zhu November 18, 2020
Purple Line corridor residents discuss affordable housing at annual meeting The virtual meeting featured local businesses, activists and other community members. Anaya Truss-Williams November 18, 2020
The Sbarro and McDonald’s in Stamp’s food court will close permanently this month Other restaurants in Stamp are also closed temporarily amid the pandemic. Clara Longo de Freitas November 17, 2020
Gov. Hogan announces limitations on bars and restaurants in Maryland The announcement comes as the state sees a spike in COVID-19 cases. Brent Abel November 17, 2020
“Not a good look”: UMD students say delayed withdrawal deadline isn’t a pass/fail stand-in UMD announced Monday it is extending the deadline for students to withdraw from a course in place of implementing a pass/fail grading system. Diamondback Staff November 17, 2020
Not a coup, but something new: UMD professors decipher Trump’s post-election actions Some UMD professors say Trump's reaction doesn't constitute a coup, but it's still unprecedented. Clara Niel November 17, 2020
Local voters discuss their reactions, hopes for policy changes following Biden’s victory They reflect on what they hope the future could look like with a Biden presidency. Jonathan Tercasio November 17, 2020
UMD freshmen living at home debate coming to the campus in the spring "All I want to do is be on campus." Freelance Reporter November 17, 2020
UMD SGA’s second mental health town hall opens discussion on body image, eating disorders The event's panelists discussed coping mechanisms and ways to talk about eating disorders with loved ones. Lyna Bentahar November 17, 2020
UMD extends course withdrawal deadline in lieu of pass/fail option More than 7,000 people signed a petition for a pass/fail option due to COVID-19. Clara Longo de Freitas November 16, 2020