Growing women’s soccer is about more than just equal pay Cross-dimensional investment in women’s soccer delivers the goal of gender equality. Tara Davoodi July 25, 2023
This time for Africa (or Brazil). The US should not host the 2027 Women’s World Cup. Given FIFA’s mission to develop soccer around the world, allowing the United States to host would be hypocritical. Anthony Liberatori May 1, 2023
Qatar and this World Cup are immoral—but so are we Our coverage of human rights violations in Qatar is hypocritical. Imaan Shikoh December 4, 2022
We must stop ignoring Qatar’s human rights violations when discussing the World Cup World Cup coverage without mention of Qatar’s human rights violations is insufficient. Ravi Panguluri November 28, 2022
The US Women’s Soccer Team must cancel their upcoming game against Spain If the team truly stands for fair working conditions, it cannot play Spain. Anthony Liberatori September 26, 2022
Learning under renowned coaches helped Sasho Cirovski build a Maryland men’s soccer empire Cirovski's passion for teaching soccer blossomed under Sir Alex Ferguson and Bob Gansler. Freelance Reporter May 17, 2019