Neil Gorsuch is surprisingly qualified to interpret and enforce the law Gorsuch’s decision in Gutierrez-Brizuela v. Lynch should be heartening to people on both sides of the aisle. Sam Wallace February 8, 2017
Hello? I’d like to buy a senator. It’s not Betsy DeVos’ beliefs and goals that scare me the most — it’s that she’s managed to purchase enough power to implement them. Jack Siglin February 8, 2017
Are violent protests acceptable in the Trump era? “Just War” theory says no. Violent resistance to the Trump government is both unethical and counterproductive. Max Foley-Keene February 7, 2017
When voluntourists arrive, their host countries suffer Unsustainable ‘service’ trips can harm the very communities they try to help. Maris Medina February 7, 2017
The Trump administration should not encourage Russia’s aggressive land grabs If Russia’s aggression is not met with with consequences, it will give Putin a green-light to interfere elsewhere. Kyle Rempfer February 6, 2017
Whether it’s Shakespeare or Star Wars, people can always connect to timeless art Artists should not try to obscure the context surrounding their works. Aaron Bernstein February 6, 2017
The University of Maryland should divest from the prison-industrial complex It’s time for this university to stop supporting the exploitation of inmates for profit. Jack Lewis February 5, 2017
The internet can hurt those with mental illnesses — but we can use it to help them Vigilance online and on social media can let us help people suffering from mental illnesses. Erin Hill February 5, 2017
The anti-vaccination movement puts our well-being at risk New breakthroughs are often met with resistance before their benefits are proven. The benefit of vaccinations has already been proven, so why are people still opposed to getting vaccinated? Asha Kodan February 2, 2017
Maryland legislature must balance affordable living and green energy policy Senate Bill 921 is a sustainability initiative that will be costly to low-income Maryland residents. Sam Wallace February 2, 2017