The Mighty Sound of Maryland is right to stop performing the Maryland state song OUR VIEW: ‘Maryland, My Maryland’ is a pro-Confederate anthem that has no place at this university. Diamondback Editorial Board August 27, 2017
We need to end the stigma of mental illness on campus If you cannot stop coughing, you go the doctor. But if you have depression or anxiety, we view a doctor as optional. Mitchell Rock August 15, 2017
UMD political leaders need to stop acting like Hillary Clinton This year, campus leaders cannot be Clintonian. Max Foley-Keene August 8, 2017
Rihanna isn’t trying to make a statement, but her weight gain is making a difference I hope this fabulous, chunkier Rihanna knows that she still has the same amazing effect on audiences everywhere. Erin Hill August 8, 2017
Why my immigrant family and I disagree about cultural appropriation I embrace learning about traditions and beliefs that are different than mine. What I am against, however, is using tradition as shallow entertainment. Asha Kodan August 2, 2017
Comedy needs more Hari Kondabolus and fewer Bill Mahers Kondabolu brings a personal and an academic understanding of race to an art form that sorely needs it. Jack Lewis August 2, 2017
Spotify’s “I’m with the banned” is taking on Trump Spotify is proving we can stand together to support those who are facing injustice. Sydney Wess August 2, 2017
How three days in England proved Islam is a religion of peace I believe that if the media and average citizens start educating themselves about Islam by attending conventions like these, a very beautiful and peaceful society will come into existence. Guest Opinion July 28, 2017
You can listen to conservatives without becoming one A rebuttal to “Beware the reasonable conservative.” Guest Opinion July 26, 2017
It’s hard to feel safe as an LGBT person, even with legislation protecting you Legislation, unfortunately, cannot immediately improve the safety of LGBT persons, or make them feel more secure in their communities. Liyanga de Silva July 26, 2017