The British royal family is a relic of empire. It shouldn’t exist. Stop celebrating a symbol of oppression. Asha Kodan April 30, 2018
University of Maryland public apologies: A year in review They were mostly obfuscating and defensive. Max Foley-Keene April 30, 2018
UMD shouldn’t require applicants to submit their test scores Standardized testing is a barrier for disadvantaged UMD applicants. It should go test-optional. Caitlin McCann April 30, 2018
UMD’s Health Center has great LGBT resources. Why don’t students know about them? LGBT students should know about their resources. Liyanga de Silva April 30, 2018
UMD Pride Alliance shouldn’t pick a side on the Israel Fest boycott Pride was wrong to call Zionism oppressive. Mitchell Rock April 26, 2018
Before we can heal from hate-bias investigations, UMD must be transparent with students UMD didn’t disclose the result of a noose investigation. Sarah Riback April 26, 2018
UMD’s Health Center is fighting back against Trump’s anti-LGBT agenda We should praise it for trying to give LGBT students truly equal care. Nate Rogers April 26, 2018
UMD’s SGA can no longer afford to be a boys’ club Before it can make change on campus, the SGA must change its culture. Guest Opinion April 25, 2018
D.C. schools are rife with corruption — and it’s the entire community’s fault They won’t get better until the entire community decides to care. Hadron Chaudhary April 25, 2018