Black lives still matter We cannot sink into institutionalized numbness, and we cannot let the sheer numbers of police brutality victims desensitize us to their tragedy. Erin Hill July 6, 2017
The GOP health care bill proves Trump doesn’t care President Trump has proven that “Trumpcare” is an inappropriate name for the American Health Care Act. He has clearly demonstrated that he does not care. Mitchell Rock June 30, 2017
A libertarian leader can save the GOP from white nationalism White identity politics is the most pernicious force in American life, and we should cheer anything that diminishes it. Max Foley-Keene June 29, 2017
Cash-strapped National Park Service to sell ad space on the sides of wildlife Despite strong pushback from environmental and animal welfare organizations, the proposal appears to be picking up steam. Reuven Bank June 22, 2017
Harvard was right to kick out students for posting offensive memes Racist and sexist memes aren’t worthy of protection. Sydney Wess June 20, 2017
The U.S. poet laureate matters — especially in uncertain times Poetry can reassure us, it can challenge us and it can educate us. A good poet laureate can do all those thing as well. Jack Lewis June 20, 2017
Profanity is debasing American politics Our leaders must refrain from speaking like a foul-mouthed teenager when addressing the public. Asha Kodan June 20, 2017
Technology is killing print journalism While impeccable print journalism still exists, it will continue to face competition from the average citizen and personal Twitter feeds. Joseph Kuttler June 18, 2017
Justin Bieber’s “Despacito” insults Spanish language and Hispanic culture Bieber’s performance reveals that, for him, the Spanish language is one to make exotic. Maris Medina June 14, 2017
Ignoring preferred gender pronouns is disrespectful to identity Our society has long expected us to fit into socially acceptable boxes, but it’s simply the truth that most people don’t. Liyanga de Silva June 13, 2017