Prince George’s County Police investigates taser incident The incident was later reclassified as a theft with a taser involved. Michael Brice-Saddler October 29, 2016
Prince George’s County Police investigates off-campus burglary The door was unlocked at the time of the incident. Michael Brice-Saddler October 28, 2016
The former UMD student convicted in Jack Godfrey’s death could have his record cleared Arasp Biparva, 25, punched Godfrey outside Cornerstone Loft and Grill in March 2013. Godfrey later died as a result of his injuries. Adam Zielonka October 28, 2016
A new trail segment will connect more than 40 miles of PG County paths to D.C. College Park bicyclists and pedestrians will now be able to travel from this city all the way to Nationals Park. Carly Kempler October 27, 2016
Why UMD student ticket appeals are denied about 10 times more than visitors’ More than 4,000 students had their ticket appeals denied in fiscal 2016. Angela Jacob October 27, 2016
“Stop Loh wages for student workers”: SLAP, union members rally for workers’ rights It was part of a statewide rally in support of worker’s rights during ongoing state employee contract negotiations. Freelance Reporter October 27, 2016
Fear triggers increased support for voter ID laws, UMD study finds Participants were selected for the study based on whether they had implicit racial bias. Rachel Kuipers October 27, 2016
American University students get unlimited Metro access. UMD RHA wants a similar policy. American University currently gives students unlimited rides on Metrorail and Metrobus for a $130 semesterly fee. Christine Condon October 27, 2016
UMD student groups are sponsoring buses to help students vote early The buses will depart from Stamp Student Union. Rebecca Rainey October 27, 2016
Hogan announced $2.3 million in funding to help domestic violence, sexual assault victims Part of the funding is going to the Maryland Crime Victims’ Resource Center and State’s Attorney’s Office in Prince George’s County. Alex Carolan October 27, 2016