University of Maryland SGA supports a statewide fracking ban The Student Government Association will join over 100 organizations that endorse a permanent ban on fracking in this state. Adam Zielonka October 13, 2016
Upcoming UMD RHA bill could recommend “match-funding” for Title IX fee The SGA voted in support of a $34 student fee proposal on Sept. 28 to help fund the Title IX office. Christine Condon October 12, 2016
Buzzfeed wrote about a UMD Title IX fee proposal, but the story is a little misleading. The Student Government Association has proposed a $34 fee increase to fund the Title IX office, but nothing is official yet. Adam Zielonka October 12, 2016
PLUMAS town hall panelists worry election will have “lingering effect” for Latinx students The Political Latinxs United for Movement and Action in Society discussed the tense political climate during their second annual town hall meeting. Freelance Reporter October 12, 2016
Chinese officials visited College Park to learn about how it responds to emergencies The delegation came from Chengdu, a Chinese city of more than 4 million people. Alex Carolan October 12, 2016
American Indian Student Union holds Indigenous People’s Day celebration at UMD Elders from the Amazon Wauja community were invited to share stories about their native culture. Freelance Reporter October 10, 2016
Students say honoring UMD’s first black football player is a “no brainer” This university’s College Republicans chapter and the Graduate Student Government have given support for a Darryl Hill statue near Maryland Stadium. Kimberly Escobar October 10, 2016
University of Maryland named one of the healthiest colleges in the U.S. This is the first time this university has applied for and been ranked on the list. Freelance Reporter October 10, 2016
This $12.4 million project raised interest in STEM in Prince George’s County Officials say the partnership between Maryland universities and county schools worked. Lexie Schapitl October 9, 2016
UMD Graduate Student Government wants more transparency, feedback on student fees The GSG is considering a $40 fee for the Division of Information Technology and a $34 fee to support the Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct. Natalie Schwartz October 9, 2016