Sexual assault prevention advocates ‘Take Back the Night’ with the Clothesline Project Students decorated T-shirts with different messages surrounding rape culture and hung them on a clothesline as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Freelance Reporter April 14, 2023
UMD center awarded $3.75 million grant to research mental health among LGBT people The grant will fund sensitivity training and a national survey to better understand the health challenges LGBT individuals face. Eric Neugeboren October 28, 2019
The Clothesline Project on Hornbake Plaza honors sexual assault survivors CARE to Stop Violence transformed the area into a safe escape for victims. Morgan Pravato October 28, 2019
As the fall semester nears, UMD’s Title IX office still has five vacancies Officials declined to comment on if the positions would be filled by the beginning of the fall semester. Christine Condon August 14, 2019