Fox can’t brush off Bill O’Reilly’s alleged sexual misconduct By not taking a strong stance against Bill O’Reilly, Fox is enabling his behavior. Asha Kodan April 17, 2017
Binge watching may do some shows a disservice There’s a popular trend moving towards binge watching entire television series. But sometimes, episodes might be better watched separately. Jack Lewis April 17, 2017
Trump’s strike on Syria: the good, the bad and the ugly Trump’s recent military action gave us a glimmer of hope that human rights in Syria will be enforced. But his decision-making process might be problematic. Max Foley-Keene April 16, 2017
Parents should not force their children into religion For religious belief to be genuine, one can’t be coerced into it. Erin Hill April 16, 2017
Videos tell the truth — that’s something United needs to “re-accommodate” Videos from ubiquitous smartphone cameras give life to stories. Jack Siglin April 13, 2017
Corporations should not commercialize social justice issues Pepsi’s recent commercial trivialized important social issues and modern day movements. Maris Medina April 13, 2017
After Unity Party campaign violations, apathy is unacceptable Unity Party campaign rule violations undermined the democratic process. Diamondback Editorial Board April 13, 2017
Tolerance doesn’t require accepting every belief as a valid truth individuals should not be threatened when other beliefs contradict what they themselves hold to be true. Moshe Klein April 12, 2017