Voluntourism isn’t bad — it just has to be done right What teaching students abroad taught me about voluntourism and cultural exchange. Maris Medina August 30, 2017
The dark side of the McGregor-Mayweather fight How the boxing match contributed to a violent and sexist culture. Erin Hill August 30, 2017
Nervous about starting college? Here’s some advice for your UMD experience Back to school advice for new (and returning) Terps. Asha Kodan August 30, 2017
Cole Field House renovations funded by one day of DOTS parking tickets Members of the student body have raised concerns about both the methods and the scale of the parking enforcement strategy. Reuven Bank August 29, 2017
Racist politics aren’t fringe What was once extremism now simply passes as right-wing. Nate Rogers August 29, 2017
The case for bat flips Like so many things, the culture of baseball is often discussed in terms of playing “the right way,” when we really mean “the white way.” Jack Lewis August 28, 2017
Donald Trump’s travel ban is racist. Condemning Nazis won’t change that. It does nothing to speak out against racism one moment and promote it the next. Liyanga de Silva August 28, 2017
College students aren’t snowflakes Students in Charlottesville have far more courage than any well-paid thought leader or tut-tutting pundit. Max Foley-Keene August 27, 2017
When you delegitimize Trump, you delegitimize the presidency If we don’t respect the office of a democratically elected leader we create dangerous precedent for the treatment of future leaders. Moshe Klein August 27, 2017