We are in need of policing reform legislation Victimization of black men by the police cannot be tolerated. Leslie McNamara July 13, 2016
The Hillary Clinton email investigation reveals she’s a liar While Hillary Clinton won’t be charged with a crime, the FBI’s investigation reveals her troubling disregard for honesty and the law. Sam Wallace July 7, 2016
Why GMO’s are the way to go Genetically modified foods have been proven to be as safe, if not safer, than their organic brethren. Max An July 7, 2016
South Africa’s Youth Day: a symbol of progress and hope The public holiday serves as a sign for how far the country has come. Jack Siglin July 6, 2016
Bernie Sanders needs to be more politically astute Sanders may have lost the Democratic nomination but he can still achieve his goals of enacting progressive legislation if he learns the game of politics. Leslie McNamara June 30, 2016
Gov. Larry Hogan denouncing Donald Trump is good for the GOP and Maryland Governor Hogan made a wise choice for his legacy when he chose not to endorse Donald Trump. Sam Wallace June 30, 2016
Remember, America is already pretty damn awesome When we celebrate our country on the 4th of July, remember how far we have come and think about the ways we can move forward. Kyle Campbell June 29, 2016
The dangers of freshman nostalgia It’s important to remember the mediocre aspects of freshman year, not just the F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C Guest Opinion June 22, 2016
Trump’s war on the media Trump’s attacks on the press are a threat to the first amendment, not just individual publications Sam Wallace June 22, 2016