Student affairs professor addresses intersectionality, identity factors for UMD students
All students identify themselves in terms of various sociocultural factors, and in all different ways.
UMD women’s studies professor wins 2016 Emily Toth Award
LaMonda Horton-Stallings won for her book, Funk the Erotic: Transaesthetics and Black Sexual Cultures.
Hillel could move to a new location behind the Landmark apartments
The move would allow for a larger center for Jewish life.
Anytime-dining program to combat rising student food insecurity
Nearly 1,200 students on a dining plan ran out of dining points during the fall semester.
Analytics company FactGem joins College Park innovation district
The company eventually plans to take student interns and hire graduates.
Scientists study bat species affected by wind turbines
Red and hoary bats together account for 70 percent of the bats killed by wind turbines in the eastern United States.
Notorious former UMD student Jayson Blair visits journalism school, speaks on plagiarism and ethics
Blair made national headlines in May 2003 when news broke that he’d fabricated and plagiarized at least 36 articles during a six-month period for The New York Times.
Alpha Sigma Phi helps eight Greek organizations become Safe Haven certified
In order to get the certification, members of this university’s Greek life community had to participate in a four-hour training program.
RHA elects new president and vice president, passes four resolutions
The RHA Senate elected Steve Chen as its new president and Sasha Galbreath as its new vice president.