Renowned social reformer Sri M speaks to UMD community on the importance of unity Attendees had the opportunity to ask about ways promote unity inside the classroom. Freelance Reporter September 18, 2017
UMD’s Sigma Gamma Rho sorority chapter loses campus recognition after reports of hazing The sorority will not be able to return to the campus until fall 2021. Noah Fortson September 18, 2017
University of Maryland President Wallace Loh receives $75k raise The increase was based “primarily on strong performance,” according to a University System of Maryland Board of Regents news release. Christine Condon September 17, 2017
“An artistic healing process”: UMD and Bowie State team up to create unity mural The mural comes after the murder of Bowie State University student Richard Collins on this university’s campus in May. Noah Fortson September 17, 2017
UMD Police respond to reports of hate bias incident, suspicious activity, theft This week in crime. Lila Bromberg September 17, 2017
UMD engineering graduate students host workshop on white supremacy, domestic terrorism There was a “call to action to do more in our engineering community” after Richard Collins’ death, an event organizer said. Noah Fortson September 17, 2017
UMD emergency manager: “We are well-prepared” for potential hurricane Hurricane Jose could hit the northeastern United States this week. Naomi Grant September 17, 2017
Swastika found in University of Maryland’s plant sciences building Police responded at about 11:30 a.m. Wednesday but do not yet know when the incident occurred. Christine Condon September 17, 2017
UMD DOTS adds spots to Lot 1 amid parking shortages With construction shifting on-campus parking options, those who have permits could have more trouble finding a place to keep their cars. Jillian Atelsek September 17, 2017
Nearly three years after its creation, UMD Campus Pantry continues helping the food-insecure The program usually serves between 30 to 60 members of the university community each week. Freelance Reporter September 17, 2017