Kanye West and 50 Cent made their anime debut on this season of Amagi Brilliant Park.

You read that right. Amagi Brilliant Park, or AmaBuri, features a cocky main character named Kanie Seiya. (Seiya means “west” in Japanese) Kanie’s co-star is a beautiful brunette with a cold personality named Isuzu Sento (50 Cent). Other characters include Aisu Kyuubu (Ice Cube), Kurisu Takaya (Chris Tucker) and Latifah Fleuranza (Queen Latifah).

The names are never brought up as strange, and the anime isn’t actually about hip-hop at all. In fact, most of the characters have nothing in common with their real-world counterparts, aside from Kanie being an overconfident (but talented) asshole.

The series is actually about a high school student, Kanie, who has to renovate and manage a theme park to save the lives of residents of a magical kingdom. Amagi Brilliant Park is home to a group of magical beings from another world who need to bring 500,000 guests per year to the park to avoid its closing. Already halfway to their goal, Kanie, with the help of Isuzu, uses his sharp wit to improve the park.

The anime attracted many fans just because of the characters’ names.

“Obviously for 50 Cent [and] Kanye West,” said Terrapin Anime Society member Wavelet Wang in an email when asked why he watched the series.

Talking about the characters is one of the best parts about this series.

“50 Cent is my favorite character because she’s the funniest and her design is cute as hell,” anime blogger Chris Cornejo said.

Only AmaBuri can make people say things like that, and it’s great. Thank you, Shoji Gatoh, for writing it, and thank you, Kyoto Animation, for animating it.