General Education debated

The university is following a national trend of abandoning traditional general education programs in favor of newer and more contemporary studies. Harvard University, University of…

An elevated calling

  Robby Burch, Eric Harley and Martin Culp are all in the trenches. Dodging the cake from last week’s food fight and the ever-present…

Jake Pace

Forward Jake pace looks on during the singing of the national anthem just before the the Terps match against UVA for the ACC championship…

Education without privilege

Junior classical languages and literatures and history major Along with Marc Priester’s Oct. 15 column about the legitimacy of English majors, I want to…

Ugandan jewel

Last summer I visited Dachau, a Nazi concentration camp outside Munich, Germany. During winter break, I visited Gulu, an outpost in war-torn northern Uganda, with…