Peer poetry

In the back of the basement of Dorchester Hall, a woman sits pretzel-style on a maroon chair and sips from her cow-patterned coffee mug. She’s…

Keryn Gedan

Keryn Gedan, a biology lecturer, is pictured in her office in the Biology-Psychology building.

O’Malley defeats Ehrlich

BALTIMORE – Baltimore Mayor Martin O’Malley declared a gubernatorial victory last night as results poured in from Democratic strongholds, including Prince George’s County, claiming he…

Unmitigated badassery

It takes a special kind of person to say there is never enough — never enough guns, never enough blood, never enough violence, mayhem or…

Faculty senator Daniel Lathrop

Daniel Lathrop holds up a bag of hundreds of cigarette butts before the University Senate. The faculty senator offered an amendment for cigarette receptacles outside…