Why can’t students know how USM’s endowment is funded? USM needs to be more transparent with its investments. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
Toxic athletic programs may be common, but that’s why UMD must reform The mistreatment of student athletes across universities cannot continue. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
UMD claims to be the nation’s first Do Good campus. It should start acting like it. How would a real Do Good university manage its football team? DBK Admin December 31, 0999
Everyone has a right to free speech Exposure to controversial ideas is vital to the educational experience. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
Ali Wong makes people uncomfortable. That’s why SEE was right to invite her to UMD. She encourages students to challenge racial and gender norms. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
Ben Jealous shouldn’t put a gender quota on his cabinet Don’t promise a cabinet full of women. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
We must combat the moral mold of the world We shouldn’t be living with mold — especially not in the heart of man. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
Let’s research Russian election meddling — but remember that the U.S. does the same thing Don’t forget America’s long history of interference. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
This university should remove impediments blocking student voting OUR VIEW: The administration should observe an election day holiday to mitigate low student turnout. DBK Admin December 31, 0999