Mayor Bowser is accelerating D.C.’s gentrification Bowser's policies are worsening D.C. gentrification. Alyssa McKinney December 31, 0999
Hogan’s highway expansion plan won’t help Maryland The proposal is unsustainable and may not reduce traffic Emily Maurer December 31, 0999
Metro fare evasion isn’t a serious crime. Why is it prosecuted like one? Decriminalizing fare evasion is long overdue for WMATA. Hadron Chaudhary December 31, 0999
Tumblr needs to get rid of child porn — not posts about sexuality Its adult content ban badly misses the mark. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
The U.S. has a moral duty to accept immigrants from poorer countries Our border policy should favor immigrants who are in need. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
The school security industry is full of grifters Private industry is capitalizing on fear of school shootings. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
Minors are right to protest We must empower our youth in political activism. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
Get the military out of sports Military propaganda isn’t wrong because it’s costly — it’s wrong because it’s propaganda. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
Hate bias is too common on UMD’s campus. Students must think about how to respond. Approaches for dealing with hate bias in your own lives. DBK Admin December 31, 0999