Fantastic representation and where not to find it J.K. Rowling keeps trying — and failing — to make 'Harry Potter' more diverse. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
The movement against climate change cannot be anti-humanist I went hiking in Shenandoah National Park to think about climate catastrophe. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
UMD’s performative Zionism isn’t standing up for the marginalized If UMD wants to tell stories of immigration, a mediocre Zionist oratorio isn’t the way. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
Hillary Clinton needs to be bold about climate change To mitigate climate change, we need a candidate who is willing to oppose it. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
Stop making UMD students pay for unpaid internships Education and journalism students need cash. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
Why has “Fearless Ideas” become a meme? There’s nothing “fearless” about letting rich people call the shots. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
The problem with irony Ironic cynicism must be tempered with redeeming qualities such as sincerity. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
Interfraternity Council tailgates are inclusive The IFC feels that our efforts to make tailgates more inclusive have been ignored by a recent Diamondback article. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
Bail is another way of putting people in jail, and we don’t need it The bail system inherently disadvantages poor people. DBK Admin December 31, 0999
In D.C., ‘LGBT panic’ is a defense for hate crimes. That needs to change. The defense is archaic and discriminatory. DBK Admin December 31, 0999