The College Park City Council isn’t on board with some government-proposed road changes Councilmembers’ feedback largely focused on traffic concerns and bike accessibility. Alex Carolan February 22, 2017
A new restriction could threaten College Park’s farmers markets The regulation requires vendors to use flame-resistant tents. Alex Carolan February 21, 2017
Students continue pushing UMD to divest from Maryland Correctional Enterprises About 40 people came to a town hall hosted by the Prison Resistance Project and the University of Maryland’s NAACP chapter. Freelance Reporter February 21, 2017
Milo Yiannopoulos resigned from Breitbart News after backlash over comments on pedophilia The conservative journalist was also uninvited from CPAC after his comments on sexual relations among young boys surfaced in a video over the weekend. Leah Brennan February 21, 2017
A University Senate task force wants to expand sexual assault training programs The task force will provide a final report and recommendations to the Senate in April. Lindsey Feingold February 21, 2017
Trump’s administration leaves DACA intact but continues crackdown on illegal immigration As of fall 2016, there were 113 DACA students at this university. Christine Condon February 21, 2017
UMD PLUMAS raised over $1,000 for undocumented students’ legal aid Their goal is to create a sustainable pool of money for undocumented students who may need it in the future. Natalie Schwartz February 20, 2017
Donald Trump took office one month ago. A lot has happened since. Here’s a look back at some notable moments. Julia Heimlich February 20, 2017
College Park’s newest apartment building is scheduled to open in summer 2017 Fuse 47’s high-tech amenities include option for residents to open their apartments with their cell phone. Carly Kempler February 20, 2017
Mold in McKeldin Library’s basement could cost up to $1 million to fix Mold began to grow in McKeldin’s basement this past summer. Alex Carolan February 20, 2017