We need to talk about your apartment decor Zelko, stop signs and Snooki, oh my! Manuela López Restrepo December 31, 0999
Review: Smallpools starts a love affair with D.C. at 9:30 Club concert The band put on an invigorating and engaging show Wednesday. Allison O'Reilly December 31, 0999
Three things to spend $1,550 on instead of a Canada Goose jacket Other, perhaps better, ways to spend your stack and a half. Manuela López Restrepo December 31, 0999
‘Space Jam 2’ is happening, but will it be worth the wait? We take a look at how a handful of other delayed sequels turned out. Zach Phillips December 31, 0999
Review: ‘pen15’ show absolutely nails what it’s like to reflect on middle school The new Hulu show will make you cry from truly painful embarrassment. Paige Munshell December 31, 0999
UMD students have mixed feelings about Valentine’s Day College kids and expressions of romance just don’t mix. Audrey Decker December 31, 0999
Driskell Center’s “Posing Beauty” exhibit explores positive black representation The exhibit is one of the center’s largest, and is mainly composed of photography. Ayana Archie December 31, 0999
How college students cope with life, without the help of a therapist Finding time and money for professional help is hard, but these things can help. Manuela López Restrepo December 31, 0999
Review: While it’s bizarre at times, we can all learn from Killer Mike’s Netflix series ‘Trigger Warning with Killer Mike’ is trying to change the world a few people at a time. Ayana Archie December 31, 0999