Review: The Dear Hunter’s fifth act is a distinctive, dramatic success The latest installment in the group’s albums-long tale is powerful and dark. John Powers September 14, 2016
The wild world of releasing music in 2016 Streaming services and exclusive releases have made getting new music a confusing ordeal. Lillian Andemicael September 14, 2016
Review: The Lumineers bring summer to September at Merriweather On a muggy night, the band provided something to remember. Michael Errigo September 12, 2016
Playlist: Push Play Monday featuring Michl and Coast Modern Your walk to class just got a lot more enjoyable. Miranda Jackson September 11, 2016
Review: of Montreal presents a flashy spectacle at the 9:30 Club The glam rock band began their Sept. 7 concert with a burst of energy, and never let up. John Powers September 8, 2016
Review: Frank Ocean’s ‘Endless’ deserves attention of its own The overlooked visual album proves that Ocean used up every minute of his hiatus. Lillian Andemicael September 7, 2016
Review: Travis Scott’s ‘Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight’ puts atmosphere first Scott’s newest album is as dark, moody and catchy as you’d expect. Patrick Basler September 6, 2016
Review: Isaiah Rashad proves himself to be a heavyweight on the powerful ‘Sun’s Tirade’ TDE’s most unknown star turns personal struggle into musical triumph. Cameron Neimand September 5, 2016
Review: Børns shines with dazzling vocals at SEE’s Back to School Concert Around 1,200 Terps huddled in Ritchie Coliseum for a night with the 24-year-old indie pop singer. Josh Magness September 4, 2016
Preview: Of Montreal to bring a different sound to the 9:30 Club The American rock band will bring a new sound to the Washington, D.C. venue. John Powers September 2, 2016