Drew Bernard had tested the powers of twin telepathy before. The Maryland women’s soccer defender regularly held hands with teammates on the sidelines in attempts to manifest goals for her twin sister, Peyton Bernard.

But in a game on Sept. 8 against VCU, Drew Bernard left her hands at her side. Instead, she simply watched as Peyton Bernard knocked in her first collegiate goal, fulfilling a dream the twin sisters had discussed since becoming Terps.

“She would always tell me, ‘Just be patient,’” Peyton Bernard said.

A teary-eyed Drew Bernard met Peyton Bernard on the field after the score. They engulfed each other in a deep hug — an unfamiliar celebration for the sisters who are not typically affectionate, they said. While the goal came without the assistance of twin telepathy, the sisters’ connection is undeniable.

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“I was just as excited as she was when she scored because [I knew] how much work she’s put into herself throughout these two years, trying to score so bad … And she finally did,” Drew Bernard said. “I started crying.”

That game against the Rams was also Drew’s Bernard first as a Terp. She redshirted her freshman season after tearing her ACL and meniscus — warranting another hug from her sister after the game.

Their closeness extends beyond the pitch. Never spending more than five days apart during their 19 years, the twins share almost everything from their major in real estate and the built environment down to a go-to Starbucks drink.

So when deciding on their future while students at Good Counsel High School, nothing was up to debate for the twins from Rockville. They only had two requirements: to play soccer and to do it together, like they had since the age of six.

Coach Meghan Ryan Nemzer recruited both sisters as individuals, but her consistent interest in the twins gave Maryland an edge in their decision making process. After their visit to campus, the deal was sealed.

“I just remember being like, ‘This is what I want. I love this,’” Drew Bernard said. “Honestly, as soon as we had finished our visit, we were like ‘This is it.””

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The sisters lived in Pyon-Chen Hall their first year on campus and currently reside in an off-campus apartment together. They walk through campus side-by-side, attend the same classes throughout the day, watch Gossip Girl before bed and even stop at Starbucks together to order venti strawberry lemonade refreshers.

Peyton and Drew Bernard occupy multiple roles in each other’s lives — roommate, friend, sister and teammate just being a few. While the labels may get jumbled for some, the twins find their relationship straightforward.

“I would have no doubt that she would ever lie to me about anything. And as a teammate also it’s really nice to have someone that I know will keep me accountable regardless of if their feelings are going to get hurt,” Peyton Bernard said. “I trust her more than anybody else in the world.”

When asked about their differences, the sisters struggled to answer. Much of their personality and mannerisms are the same, they explained with a giggle, but to name one, Drew Bernard likes eggs and Peyton Bernard doesn’t.

“Some people wouldn’t like it, but the fact that I have my twin sister on my team and she’s my best friend it’s just amazing,” Peyton Bernard said. “Having somebody where I can talk to them if I’m going through something or just sharing special moments with, I really wouldn’t have it any other way.”