By Lizzy Alspach, Akshaj Gaur, Apurva Mahajan, Amanda Sinofsky, Harrison Rich and Natalie Weger

Trader Joe’s was a late addition to many University of Maryland students’ grocery store repertoires. For others, the store has been an everyday fixture since it opened two years ago.

The Diamondback’s editors wanted to share a few of our favorite Trader Joe’s snacks. Whether it’s for a late-night bite, study fuel or a sweet treat after a particularly hard day, these finds are sure to boost your mood and energy.

Peaches & Cream, Mango & Cream Yogurt Cups

As a fruit yogurt enthusiast, the peach and mango yogurt six-pack has been a staple of my diet since Trader Joe’s opened on that eventful October morning of 2022

The yogurt cups reel you in with beautiful, rustic packaging and the interior does not disappoint. The tropical mango flavor complements the countryside peach exquisitely as the yogurt’s silky texture is truly delighting for the palate.

For breakfast? As a snack? It can be a star or role player on any championship team. — Akshaj Gaur, news editor

Chili & Lime Flavored Rolled Corn Tortilla Chips

I can never manage to walk out of Trader Joe’s without grabbing its delicious chili and lime tortilla chips. Once I start eating these chips, I can’t stop. They are simply a better version of Takis. 

These tortilla chips are just the right amount of spicy without being overwhelming. They are a perfect snack for watching television or hanging out with friends. Just be prepared to have chili dust on your hands afterwards!  — Natalie Weger, assistant news editor 

Garlic & Asiago Cheese Dip

Sometimes it feels as though Trader Joe’s has everything I want yet nothing I need, but one consistent item that makes its way into my cart is the garlic and asiago cheese dip

You do need a microwave or oven to make this snack work, but I promise it won’t disappoint. I enjoy eating this cheesy, earthy dip as a late-night snack watching a show, or even in between classes on a busy day. I typically pair it with their corn chip dippers, but other kinds of crackers will also serve well.

And yes, dip is a snack. — Lizzy Alspach, managing editor

Peanut Butter Chocolate Granola

I bought this snack for the first time this spring and can safely say I am addicted. I’m a sucker for anything dark chocolate, so these oats covered in salted peanut butter and chunks of dark chocolate are right up my alley. 

The granola is my main energy source on long nights in the newsroom and my excuse for going to Trader Joe’s as much as I do. Each bite is the perfect mix of savory and sweet. The oats ensure you feel satiated, but if you’re anything like me, you can finish the whole bag in one sitting. — Apurva Mahajan, editor in chief

Crunchy Curls

I make a trip to Trader Joe’s almost weekly, and not a trip goes by without putting this snack in my basket. A snack made with lentils isn’t exactly common, but ever since I tried it last year, it has been my favorite Trader Joe’s product by far. Its unique yet simple taste is something I have yet to experience elsewhere. 

It pairs well with so many different things, but my favorite combo is to dip the curls into hummus. — Amanda Sinofsky, copy editor

Steamed Chicken Soup Dumplings

Is it a snack? I think it’s a snack.

Trader Joe’s sells a variety of soup dumplings, but these are by far my favorite. Besides the fact that they’re fun to eat, they’re absolutely delicious and will leave you full if you have all six. 

Pop them in the microwave for a couple minutes or throw them in a pan — and if you’re adventurous, add some chili oil on top. You’ll thank me later. — Harrison Rich, sports editor