Many of you will spend the Thanksgiving holiday in College Park instead of returning home. Celebrating with your friends and accidentally burning the turkey? Or hoping for the holiday to end so you can begin Black Friday shopping?

If so, you’ve yet to make the most of the November holiday! Here are some fun party themes for you and your friends to bring college Thanksgiving to another level. Just a warning — the list slowly gets a bit chaotic.

Pajama Party

You can never go wrong with a pajama party, especially if you want a cozy and lazy Thanksgiving. Order some takeout, make hot chocolate, light a pumpkin spice candle and wear fall-themed pajamas with your favorite slippers. Play Monopoly, watch a movie and have a pillow fight to get yourself in the holiday mood.

Being in college doesn’t mean you’re too old to have a pajama party and host sleepovers with your friends. Tap into your inner child and relive those carefree moments as a group.

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Thanksgiving Foods

You’ve probably seen a trend on TikTok where friends get together for color-themed parties. One person may wear all red and bring Doritos while someone else wears blue and brings Oreos. Why not dress like the items you bring?

If you’re bringing wine, match your outfit with the bottle. Wear burgundy, gold, black or any other color that matches. But the outfits don’t have to be that simple. If you’re the potato salad, be the potato salad. Embrace it.

If you’re bringing the turkey, please dress like a turkey. But not a living turkey — a cooked turkey fresh out of the oven.

A Kardashian Thanksgiving

Having a Keeping Up With the Kardashians themed night might only be the second most chaotic theme on this list.

Dressing up like the celebrity family could unleash your inner artist. You could recreate iconic looks like Kylie and Kendall Jenner’s 2019 Met Gala fits, or you could wrap yourself in caution tape and say it’s Kim Kardashian’s 2022 Balenciaga Winter Show outfit.

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Your exes

Another TikTok party trend is people making clever drinks inspired by their exes. One example is a “man-child” served in a baby bottle, or a “disappointment,” which is just water in a shot glass.

Imagine how funny it would be if everyone dressed like their exes. Who said it had to be Halloween to dress like a clown?

You could also bring the witty-named drinks and dress like them. If your ex was a man-child, wear a bib and an adult diaper. If your ex was a piece of poop, dress like one.

The point of a Friendsgiving is to have fun with friends. So be creative and laugh with your friends until you can’t breathe.