The Diamondback has been an almost entirely online publication since March 2020. Since then, we’ve been exploring new ways to engage readers and address the information needs of the university community in the digital space.

Initially, that looked like launching a COVID-19 dashboard and publishing case counts when the university stopped publicly reporting them. From the reception we received, one thing is clear: our audience craves accountability and transparency in the community. To that end, we’re excited to introduce The Diamondback jobs guide, a site that empowers users to explore historic student wages and discover campus jobs. The jobs guide is designed to help students make informed decisions while looking for employment around the campus. Drawing inspiration from The Diamondback salary guide, the jobs guide empowers users to explore the data independently.

Sometimes, what worked in the past can be reimagined for the present. In print newspapers, including historical editions of The Diamondback, the classified section was an avenue to communicate local opportunities. We envision our jobs guide serving a similar purpose for the University of Maryland community.

With the jobs guide and future reporting, The Diamondback seeks to be data-driven in its approach to service the broader University of Maryland community. Thank you to the readers, students, focus group members and Diamondback staff for driving this mission forward.

Explore The Diamondback jobs guide here. This guide was made possible by Nataraj Shivaprasad, Rina Torchinsky and Sri Kanipakala.