WASHINGTON — “I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you actually left them.”

Although some fans may share the same sympathies salesman Andrew Bernard shared during the finale of the renowned mockumentary sitcom The Office, there is a place for fans to relive and experience some of those good old days for themselves.

Fans can experience all of their favorite sets as if they were on the show, relive famous moments and quotes and fully immerse themselves in a newfound appreciation for the show through “The Office Experience,” an interactive exhibit in Washington, D.C.

Visitors can find themselves sitting in Michael Scott’s office, opening Dwight K. Schrute’s desk drawer to find his stapler encased in Jell-O, and precariously balancing Kevin Malone’s once-full chili pot as they recreate his arguably most-infamous moment.

Along with this myriad of photo opportunities, exhibits feature well-known items spanning from the pilot to the finale. Schrute’s CPR mask, Dundie Awards and Beesley’s sketchbook are just a few examples of props and items on display. Most prominently featured at the entrance of the exhibit is Schrute’s 1987 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am.

Dwight Schrute’s 1987 Pontiac Trans Am. (Giuseppe LoPiccolo/The Diamondback)

Superfly X, the company behind “The Office Experience,” worked with Universal Live Entertainment and Greg Daniels, developer and executive producer of The Office, to ensure the sets and props were as accurate as possible.


I could not believe the astounding attention to detail the experience holds, nor the thrill of walking into the Scranton, Pennsylvania, branch of Dunder Mifflin Paper Company as if I were a cast member.

(Giuseppe LoPiccolo/The Diamondback)