On “UMD needs dedicated sexual misconduct investigators”
We want to address some aspects of the opinion piece, “UMD needs dedicated sexual misconduct investigators.”
The piece indicated that sexual misconduct cases may not receive due attention because of lack of funding or rape culture. This is untrue. Cost is not a factor in determining if a case can be investigated, and the OCRSM office exists to create and foster a culture that is free of rape and all forms of sexual misconduct.
Secondly, the piece advocated for trained investigators to address accusations of sexual misconduct. OCRSM investigations are conducted by four Association of Title IX Administrators (ATIXA) certified investigators who also possess multiple certifications through Husch Blackwell, EEO Training Institute, and Academic Impressions, to name a few. OCRSM investigators, along with other Title IX personnel, are in compliance with the Title IX regulations which mandate specific training requirements. Our investigators are knowledgeable and highly experienced. They are experts in federal and state laws and conduct investigations in accordance with best practices and university policies and procedures.
I appreciate this author’s advocacy for the best possible office to address sexual misconduct on our campus. I share the same sense of urgency and passion. I want to clarify facts, so our campus community is aware of the services we provide and the high standard to which we hold ourselves.
Grace C. Karmiol, Esq.
University of Maryland Title IX Officer/Director
Letters to the Editor
The Diamondback accepts letters to the editor that are fewer than 300 words and relate directly to an article or opinion column we have published in the last two weeks. We do not accept open letters or pieces that have been submitted elsewhere. Please email submissions to opinionumdbk@gmail.com with your full name and affiliation to the university or the city.