A student who lived in Denton Hall tested positive for the novel coronavirus, according to an email to the dorm’s residents sent Thursday. It is the fifth confirmed case in the University of Maryland community.

The student — who works on the front desk team as a community assistant — has not been on the campus since March 13, according to the email, from interim health center director Sacared Bodison and Resident Life director Valronica Scales.

All individuals who likely came into contact with the person in the past 14 days have been notified, according to the email.

Two students who studied abroad in Barcelona, Spain, have also tested positive for the coronavirus, but neither returned to the campus.

On Saturday, in a campuswide email, the university announced a part-time contractor with the health center and athletics department had tested positive for the virus. A subsequent email Sunday said a staff member in the computer, mathematical and natural sciences college had also tested positive.

There are 580 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Maryland, according to the state’s health department.