University Police responded to a hate bias incident in Cumberland Hall on Friday, a police spokesperson said.

University Police spokesperson Sgt. Rosanne Hoaas said a resident assistant reported to police at 7:45 p.m. that another resident assistant found anti-LGBTQ language on a bulletin board.

The paper containing the language was removed from the bulletin board and taken as evidence. The incident occurred between Oct. 16 and Oct. 26.

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion has nine listed hate bias incidents since the start of the fall semester on its log, which as of Sunday night, was not updated with this incident. Other incidents include anti-LGBTQ language on whiteboards and swastikas and offensive language about African Americans etched on bathroom stalls.

University Police conducted a witness canvas, which is when officers check the surrounding area of the incident to see if anyone has seen or heard anything, Hoaas said.

A University Police criminal investigation unit detective is investigating the incident.