While some people avoid politics at the Thanksgiving table, one University of Maryland student proudly wore her Black Lives Matter T-shirt to dinner — an act that propelled her into a viral Twitter sensation.

Rebecca Malstrom, a sophomore communication major, said after the election, her family had a strict “no politics” rule in place during Thanksgiving dinner. When a family member noticed her shirt, they asked her to change. She listened, but changed into a second Black Lives Matter T-shirt.

“My one sister high-fived me, and the other sister face palmed,” Malstrom wrote in a message Monday night. “Both were pretty entertained with the loophole I found.”

Malstrom posted her act of defiance on Twitter. So far, the tweet has gotten more than 43,000 retweets and more than 120,000 likes.

Malstrom added that she didn’t think wearing the shirt violated the “no politics” rule.

“‘Black Lives Matter’ isn’t a political statement,” Malstrom wrote. “They matter; nothing political about it.”

Malstrom decided to cover the shirt with a sweater to avoid conflict on Thanksgiving, but at a separate celebration the next day, she wore the shirt openly and announced to her family that her tweet had gone viral.

“My parents and all family members are so proud of me for standing up for what I believe in, and making a statement!” wrote Malstrom, adding their reactions were “priceless.”

Since posting her tweet, Malstrom has been invited to countless holiday dinners, barbecues and weddings, and she has even received several marriage proposals.

While most of the reaction has been positive, Malstrom has also been contacted “nonstop” by members from the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups with comments calling her a “self-loathing white bitch” in addition to subtle death threats, she wrote.

One person commented, “If she were my daughter, I’d burn those shirts with her still wearing them,” Malstrom added.

“The saddest realization that I’ve found through my tweet going viral is that people would much rather listen to me speak about racism than to someone who actually faces it on a daily basis,” she wrote. “I hope that I’ve opened up discourse for other white people to learn more about the movement and become allies.”