Valentines Day. V-Day. The day you are DTF (down to forget). It reminds all those singles that they are completely alone in the world. All the smug couples prance about, giving each other flowers and holding hands. But hey it’s college — who really wants that? What will I be wearing on that fateful day? Let’s be realistic, probably pajamas. There’s nothing wrong with appreciating the fact that you get all sides of the bed. Here are a few Valentine’s Day categories. Guys take notes and girls: which category do you fall into?
The Valentine’s Day dictator
Flowers delivered to her desk. A romantic scavenger hunt. New earrings. This girl is the dictator of Valentine’s Day. If she doesn’t wake up to breakfast in bed be prepared for a meltdown. You also better be taking her to dinner because she bought a red dress with matching heels months ago, maybe before she even met you. Her relationship with the dress is most likely longer than your own. Make her feel like a princess or you’ll be packing your bags and out of there faster than she finishes that cheap box of CVS chocolates you mistakenly brought her.
The “fine with whatever”
This girl pretends she “doesn’t care” where you go to dinner and “is fine” with the fact you can’t afford a proper Valentine’s Day gift. She’ll want to throw on that cute dress she bought for the night, but instead grabs a pair of jeans and a sweater because that’s down to earth. But really, she’s steaming inside as she scrolls through her Instagram feed that’s overflowing with flowers, bears and chocolates. This girl is a trooper though, she will grit her teeth and smile at your sad attempt — just don’t expect anything in return.
The friend who plans a girls’ night out
Remember that friend that would always plan a girls’ night on Valentine’s Day? Do you also remember how 10 out of 10 times it was the worst night of your life? It always starts fun and everyone gets ready to go out to dinner or a club together. Neutral colors are best for this crowd, they don’t need the reds and pinks to remind them of what they’re missing. Fast forward a few hours and you will have a mess of tears, mascara, blubbering and unkempt hair.
The loner
She may not have a man, but at least she’s consistently alone, even on Valentine’s Day. Pajamas, bottle of wine and maybe a friend (cat). Candles are lit and take-out will be ordered. It isn’t her fault “the neighbor who always waves” fell through and the guy from the bar just “didn’t work out.” Sometimes the best things to wear on Valentine’s Day are some boxers and an oversized sweatshirt.