As my fellow columnist Rob Gindes, and others before him, has championed the idea of Skirt Day at the university, I’ve pondered what exactly about this proposal I found so offensive.

On one hand, I feel Rob and others like him are seriously misguided. The day should be called Sundress Day because everyone knows sundresses beat out skirts any day. And really, it’s all just a bit of fun, right? Girls are enjoying their skirts and others are enjoying them enjoying the skirts, which actually … sounds kinda creepy. The fact remains: Skirt Day or not, people would still take part in the festivities.

But really. I’m not upset about Skirt Day’s occurrence — more about its celebration.

People may argue about the superficiality and degrading nature of Skirt Day. But at the end of the day, it’s still just all talk. I want a real solution. I’ve come to the conclusion that my real problem is there is no similar holiday to celebrate the same beauty in men — that is, until now.

As a feminist, I believe in equality. If there is a Skirt Day — and let’s face it, the boys around here don’t exactly wear kilts — I decree there should also be a celebration of “Shirtless Man Day.”

We all like to look at pretty things, that’s just real talk. And those of you who have ever found the male form pleasing, I ask this question: Attractive, shirtless men look good, right? I mean stop-in-your-tracks-to-gaze-and-smile-to-yourself good. Don’t lie.

I’m not going to deny that Skirt Day is stupid and focuses on male chauvinism, but as the creator of Shirtless Man Day, I say we return to a simpler time of when we just enjoyed the beauty of a fellow human being. I mean, why do the legs in skirts always have to be the ones being watched? It doesn’t make sense when you think about how much more socially acceptable it is for men to bare their skin. Let’s be real: A man could run around the mall playing Frisbee in naught but a tiny pair of red shorts resembling skivvies, and I guarantee most people won’t call him a slut.

Rob argued with me and tried to say that girls find men attractive in different ways than just physically. “Girls find more things on guys attractive, like, ‘oh he has nice eyes.'”

Guys, on the other hand, like girls’ — and I quote — “Face, boobs, butt.”

Your point, Rob? If anything, that works in a guy’s favor. According to your logic, more shirtless guys have the opportunity to be found attractive by the opposite sex than girls in skirts. Girls may care about personality, but if we don’t know anything about you other than you look good shirtless, we’re going to sit back, relax and enjoy. Also, I just want to point out that this holiday is not limited to girls but to anyone who finds the male form pleasing. Queer-friendly zone, please.

So you know what? Snowmageddon happened, and it sucked. But, now that spring has sprung — and trust me, it’s definitely sprung — I’m going to enjoy shedding my outer layers and revel in the delightful consequences of others doing the same.

You shirtless track boys keep it up. Boys with the really hairy chests and back, do your thing (it looks like you’re wearing a shirt anyway). It doesn’t matter if you look at skirt, no shirt or both.

Please, just don’t be creepy.

Shruti Rastogi is a senior journalism major. She can be reached at rastogi at umdbk dot com.